Quick Summary: The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that holds certain groups of people, like women and minorities, back from reaching higher positions in their careers. It prevents individuals from advancing despite their qualifications and abilities. For example, a woman named Sally keeps getting passed over for promotions while her male colleagues get promoted, and a man named John is consistently overlooked for top positions in his company due to his race. The concept highlights the need for equal opportunities and addressing discrimination in order to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to succeed.
The concept of a glass ceiling refers to an invisible barrier or limitation that prevents certain groups of people, especially women and minorities, from reaching higher positions or achieving their full potential in their careers. It's like there's a "ceiling" made of glass that is difficult to see, but it's there and it holds people back from advancing.
For Example:
Sally is a highly qualified and experienced engineer. She has been working at a technology company for many years and consistently receives positive feedback for her work. Despite her skills and achievements, Sally notices that she keeps getting passed over for promotions, while her male colleagues with similar qualifications get promoted. Even when she applies for higher positions, she doesn't get selected. Sally is experiencing the glass ceiling because her gender is preventing her from moving up the corporate ladder.
John works in a corporate firm where most of the senior management positions are held by people from a certain racial or ethnic background. Despite his exceptional performance and dedication, John notices that he never gets considered for those top positions. He sees his colleagues with similar qualifications and experience who belong to the dominant racial group getting promoted instead. John is facing the glass ceiling because of his race, which is limiting his opportunities for career advancement.
In both cases, the glass ceiling is an intangible barrier that prevents individuals from reaching higher levels in their professions, even though they possess the skills and qualifications required. It is a form of discrimination that creates unfair obstacles for certain groups, based on factors such as gender, race, ethnicity, or other protected characteristics.
The concept of the glass ceiling highlights the need for organizations and societies to address these barriers and promote equality and diversity, ensuring that everyone has an equal chance to succeed and reach their full potential in their chosen careers.
Via: Feminism In India