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  • Writer's pictureMuskan Garg

Casteism in Indian Cinema

Quick Summary: While Indian cinema has the potential to be a powerful medium for social change and awareness, it also reflects the complexities and contradictions of Indian society. Casteism is deeply entrenched and continues to be a challenge, and its portrayal in cinema can vary widely, ranging from perpetuating stereotypes to actively challenging and critiquing the caste-based discrimination that persists in India.

Casteism, which refers to discrimination and prejudice based on caste, has been a pervasive issue in Indian society for centuries. Indian cinema, as a reflection of societal realities, has sometimes perpetuated casteist stereotypes and biases, although there have also been efforts to address and critique casteism. Here's an overview of casteism in Indian cinema:

Perpetuation of Caste Stereotypes:

Typecasting: Indian cinema has often typecast actors based on their real-life caste backgrounds, reinforcing stereotypes. For example, certain actors have been consistently cast in roles that align with their own caste identities.

Character Tropes: Caste-based character tropes and clichés have appeared in many films. For instance, Dalit characters have often been portrayed as oppressed, impoverished, or victims of discrimination, while upper-caste characters are sometimes depicted as privileged or antagonistic.

Language and Dialect: Films have sometimes used language and dialect differences to accentuate caste distinctions, with derogatory portrayals of certain dialects associated with particular castes.

Caste-Based Jokes: Some Indian films have included caste-based humor, normalizing discriminatory attitudes and perpetuating stereotypes. Such humor can contribute to the acceptance of casteist attitudes in society.

Stereotypical Depictions: Caste-based discrimination and stereotypes have been presented as a routine part of daily life in some films, reinforcing the idea that this is a natural and acceptable aspect of Indian society.

Via: Bollywood Hungama

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