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  • Writer's pictureMuskan Garg

Culture Over Time

Quick Summary: Culture has evolved from its initial agricultural connotations to a multidimensional concept encompassing customs, beliefs, values, symbols, and practices. Its understanding has expanded through the contributions of various disciplines, emphasizing cultural diversity, social dynamics, and the complex interactions between individuals, communities, and societies.

The word "culture" has evolved significantly over time, undergoing shifts in meaning and interpretation. Its evolution can be traced through various historical periods, each contributing to its multifaceted understanding. Here is a broad overview of the evolvement of the word "culture":

  • Ancient and Classical Periods: In ancient times, the term "culture" (from the Latin word "cultura") primarily referred to agricultural or horticultural cultivation, representing the cultivation of land, crops, and livestock. It emphasized the process of nurturing and fostering growth.

  • Anthropological and Ethnographic Perspectives: In the 19th century, anthropologists broadened the concept of culture to encompass the customs, beliefs, practices, and social institutions of various societies. They defined culture as a complex system of shared knowledge, behaviors, and values that distinguish one group from another.

  • Cultural Studies and Social Theory: In the mid-20th century, cultural studies emerged as an interdisciplinary field, drawing from sociology, anthropology, literary theory, and other disciplines. Scholars like Raymond Williams and Stuart Hall explored the ways in which culture is produced, disseminated, and consumed in modern societies. They examined popular culture, mass media, and their impact on social structures, power relations, and identity formation.

  • Postmodernism and Globalization: In the late 20th century, postmodernist perspectives challenged the notion of a fixed and unified culture. They emphasized the fragmented and fluid nature of culture, arguing that it is shaped by multiple influences, power dynamics, and historical contingencies. Globalization also played a significant role in the evolution of culture, as increased interconnectivity and the flow of information, goods, and people across borders led to the emergence of hybrid cultures and the blending of diverse cultural elements.

  • Contemporary Perspectives: In recent times, culture has become a dynamic and contested concept. It encompasses a wide range of meanings, including artistic expression, cultural heritage, societal norms, and individual lifestyles. The digital age has further transformed the concept of culture, with the internet and social media platforms playing a vital role in shaping and disseminating cultural practices and ideas.

Via: Quora

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